19/20 september 2019
The third meeting of FLAME Project partners was held on the 19th and 20th of September 2019 in Yecla, in Spain. During our meeting we talked about progress of our project and how our course should look like to be useful for students.
Keep in touch for next results!

Barcelona meeting
26 of April 17, 2019 in Barcelona, the second meeting of FLAME project took place. During the meeting we discussed cheering furniture industry up for young people and supporting professional mobility of furniture industry workers in EU countries by giving them tools for learning specific professional terms.
Professional mobility is first of all ability to adapt by a worker for market requirements through activities like: readiness to change job, profession and improving and broadening their professional qualifications. As a result of staff shortages, facilitating and strengthening mobility in the EU area in countries when demand for labour forces is increasing is required. In some countries there is a luck of workers in some positions, when in other countries in this type of professions Unemployment prevails. In order to make mobility real we have to overcome some barriers through potential workers in our sector. These obstacles are: lack of knowledge about furniture sectorand lack of knowledge of foreign languagesbut first of all lack of knowledge of professional language

Kick-off Meeting of the Project FLAME
10 /11 /2018
Kick-off Meeting of the Project FLAME
The first meeting of FLAME Project partners was held on the 6th of November 2018 in Warsaw, on Faculty of Wood Technology WULS. It was organised by OIGPM. The meeting was a great opportunity for all partners to present their organizations and details on their expertise.
The project will develop a CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) VET curriculum and course (in offline and interactive online versions) for both I-VET and C-VET. This training will combine learning of basic furniture sector knowledge and language learning (including specific furniture sector terms) and can be integrated as an introductory part of some already existing furniture sector related VET qualifications.

FLAME was present at MADE EXPO, international design and construction show, organized in Milan 13-16 March 2019.
The fair has seen the presence of 900 exhibitors with approximately 90,000 participants from different sectors.
It was a great opportunity to advertise the project’s goal: develop a curriculum and a CLIL professional training course (Content and Language Integrated Learning) in an online and offline interactive version for Vet Centers.

FLAME participated in the SALONE DEL MOBILE.MILANO, held in Milan from 9 to 14 April 2019.
386.236 visitors from all over the world attended the fair.
The FLAME project was presented at the conference "World Furniture outlook seminar 2019".