The project will develop a CLIL (Content and language integrated learning) VET curriculum and course (in offline and interactive online versions) for both I-VET and C-VET. This training will combine learning of basic furniture sector knowledge and language learning (including specific furniture sector terms) and can be integrated as an introductory part of some already existing furniture sector related VET qualifications.
Therefore, the project is aligned with the sectoral priority for VET “Further strengthening key competences in VET curriculum”. Specifically, the VET training created in the project will be an effective tool for further developing 3 of the 8 key competences defined in the European Framework for Key Competences:
- Communication in mother tongue, because this training can be used to learn furniture sector specific terms in mother tongue by people who are not familiar with the furniture industry.
- Communication in foreign languages, since the project training can also be used for improving foreign language competence and learning furniture sector specific terms in foreign languages.
- Digital competence, as taking the course in the online interactive version will improve digital competence of trainees.
Additionally, one of the main outputs of the project will be the FLAME online course, which integrates Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). This in aligned with the horizontal priority “Open and innovative education, training and youth work, embedded in the digital era”. The project promotes new technologies like online games (which will be used in the FLAME online course) for improvement in education, as some studies have shown that game is the most effective and powerful learning tool against the classroom model, specially for young people (see E. Heading 2nd section).
The project is also in line with the horizontal priority “Transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications to facilitate learning, employability and labour mobility” because the new training will facilitate employability and mobility in the furniture sector (see E. heading, 1st section). Also, the new innovative curriculum that will be created will include some European tools for transparency, recording and recognition of skills like:
- ESCO (European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations). The new curriculum will define the ESCO occupations and qualifications in which the new curriculum can be integrated.
- EQF (European Qualifications Framework). The EQF level of each unit in the curriculum will be included in the unit’s description.
- ECVET (European credit system for vocational education and training). Each of the units in the curriculum will be allocated the corresponding ECVET points which will make it easier to transfer, to have recognised and to accumulate assessed learning outcomes.
- CEFRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). The training will also be referred to the CEFRL with its corresponding level.
- Europass CV and Language Passport. Definitions of the training achievement will be developed in order to be included in the trainees Europass CV and Language Passport.
Moreover, European Quality Assurance Reference in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET) Framework will be taken into account for the development of project outputs.
The use of such tools, together with a badges system that will be integrated in the online course, will help transparency, validation and recognition of learning outcomes achieved through the curriculum, even though it is coursed through the non-formal, digital and open learning course created in the project. Also, the curriculum and course topics are aimed at increasing employability and labour mobility in the furniture sector.
Furthermore, it is in line with the priority “Achievement of relevant and high quality skills and competences” as the project outputs will support individuals in acquiring and developing key competences for the furniture sector, including foreign language and digital skills that will foster their employability. The project applies the “learning outcomes approach” and develops methods for the assessment of such competences and it also will include tools for assessment of such learning outcomes and their accreditation through a badges system.
The project is in line with the 3 objectives set by ET 2020 to address challenges in education and training systems by 2020: making lifelong learning and mobility a reality, improving the quality and efficiency of education and training and promoting equity, social cohesion, and active citizenship. Moreover, the project is also in line with the recommendations of the of the Open Method of Coordination group "Languages for jobs" that the Commission has set up under the Education and Training 2020 framework
One of the main results of the project will be the FLAME online course, which integrates information and communication technologies (ICTs).
The project aims to contribute to the achievement of some objectives of the European Union, including the "Open and innovative education, training and youth work, integrated in the digital age".
The project will promote the use of new technologies for improving education and learning, such as online games, which will be used in the online FLAME course. Indeed, some studies have shown that interactive play is a more effective and powerful learning tool than the classical learning model, especially for young students.