The FLAME Project has achieved its second important result
The definition of the Curriculum and the list of the Modules of the offline and online course.
FLAME has defined some selected learning outcomes based on the Survey taken by individuals working in furniture companies and based on the important areas that the responders deemed missing, creating also a ranking of the areas ordered from highest to lowest score.
The learning outcomes selected are the following ones:
Different basic materials
Measuring methods and tools
Cutting and sharpening techniques
Woodworking and automated machines
Technical drawings
Technical regulations
Joining techniques
Basic maintenance
Furniture construction
Computerized equipment
Manual tools
Mounting and assembly techniques
Acceptance standards
Different types of auxiliary material and its properties and handling
Coating and techniques to apply
Construction of upholstery and mattresses
Planning and production management with quality control
Software for machine control and furniture construction – CAD/CAM systems.